Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cards are welcome

Arlene -- I went to the hospital yesterday (Tuesday) via Metrolink and the Red Line subway which has a stop at Sunset and Vermont, so if any of you would like to travel to the hospital via public transportation, it's possible.  It took about an hour and a quarter from the Claremont station.

Bill talked in a soft, raspy voice and although his words were hard to understand, he did not seem to be delusional.  He spent a half hour or so in a special chair. He said he wanted to lie down but when I told him that it was helpful for him to move his body and use muscles unused for a long time, he nodded and accepted his discomfort.  Elena arrived after he'd left for dialysis and said she'd return on Thursday.  While Bill was out of the room, Betsy, Abigail and I strolled outside; after a yogurt stop, we entered the lavender building complex that looms across the street from Bill's window: Scientology headquarters.  We looked at their attractive PR displays but declined offers of a tour by very polite staff members. We saw enough to satisfy our curiosity.

A friend asked about sending cards.  Receiving cards from friends might very well be comforting, especially when no one is visiting.  A few arrived this week; Betsy taped them to the wall.
Address is Kaiser Hospital, 4867 Sunset Blvd., Coronary Care Unit, Room 7327, Los Angeles, CA 90027. 

Abigail will leave for Vermont mid-week next week and be away for 2 or 3 weeks so he won't have her companionship and help and advocacy during that time.

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