Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just spoke to the Doctors. waiting for results from the MRI, waiting for sip test specialists to come by. i cleaned his mouth with the nurse last night and i worry he has very dried up stuff in his throat preventing normal swallowing. the night nurse showed me how to move his legs to give him a bit of exercise. he cant move on his own at all and that must be terrible for his whole body. i'll update any news as soon as i get it.


  1. Abigail, A couple of days ago he cleared his throat a few times and swallowed each time. I think the anxiety of the test may contribute to his not being able to swallow on demand. They need to be patient and calm and give him adequate time to get past his anxiety. Also he needs to be told again that swallowing means the nose tube can be removed. Mom

  2. Abigail, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. Your descriptions are all too familiar. I know how incredibly difficult it is, believe me. One of the things I remember was the desperation of wanting to give my father water and all that they would allow was a wet sponge. Awful. But the sooner your Dad can swallow the sooner the tube will come out and he'll be able to drink.
    I also know how slowly progress moves. Just keep in mind if you push too too hard he can have a setback. It is really terrific that you're exercising his legs and staying by his side. Having you there is more important than you may realize. It keeps him more centered and aware and hopeful than if he were alone.
    I know every patient is different, but I also remember my Dad sometimes becoming anxious and/or irritable if I tried too hard to occupy his mind. You know, reading or putting on the radio. The efforts had to be in small doses..but then again my father was always easily irritated.

    I'm thinking of you.

    Love your cousin, Jessie.
