Hi this is Abigail writing, 9pm monday the 7th.
Kidney dialysis is happening right now. it takes about 4 hours, he has been in for 3. tomorrow the doctors will look at his blood and make a decision about future dialysis. he might have it just this once. its possible they will recommend it again, or twice a week or once a day. we don't know yet. we know its standard, and very few people experience pain from it, mostly just get very tired and sleep while its happening according to the day nurse Marilou.
he was talking alot today and making jokes and moving his hands a bit more. he still got confused a few times, fell asleep several times and is very very slowed down compared to his regular old self. but it feels like peter pan is here compared to last week. it seems his short term memory is not so good, but his long term memory is definitely still right there.
Dad has been lying down, immobile for 16 or 17 days now, and has become weaker because of it. i wonder if an in house physical therapist can come in and evaluate his muscles and everything related to moving, and recommend movements/exercises and have some kind of physical therapy plan started?
i wonder if the doctors are waiting to do this for a reason. i am also worried about his toes. they are looking a bit purple.if i'm here i can help him if they show me how to help. Tuesday i will ask. i might go home to my mom's tonight if Dad is sleeping. if he's up, scared, or in pain i will stay here.
i plan on going back to Brattleboro sometime the week of February 14th. in brattleboro i'm going to move all my stuff, do a final recording with my band, tie up loose ends and drive back here by early March. i am moving back here to help Dad. for the time when i am gone we should talk about who can be here and what works for everyone. i understand everybody is very busy, so what ever you can do will be greatly appreciated. lots of friends and family have come by and that has been great. i don't expect anyone will want to sleep here, and that is totally understandable. if you do the chair in the corner folds out into a bed and just ask for blankets, sheets and a pillow. Please talk to Arlene and Kris about couch surfing their houses if your drive is long . What i am thinking is asking everyone to keep dated important info here so whom ever is hospital sitting can know what we are waiting for, what question or concern to ask doctors and the answers/actions that took place while you are here. Perhaps an old fashioned PAPER notebook in the room ! that might be the real solution for this more focused type of communication.
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