Monday, February 21, 2011

please visit

hi this is Abigail writing from vt. i hurt my back and its slowing down my moving. my mom wrote me this distressing e-mail, and there is no way i can get back early at this point. i'll be back wednesday.

I talked to Kris a little while ago and things aren't very good. The feeding tube is blocked so he's getting no nutrition for 24 hours - meanwhile he's lost a lot of weight and continues to lose weight.  We don't know what it mean that there's fibrosis in the kidneys and what needs to be done about it.  There doesn't seem to be a doctor coordinating everything.  No one visited on Saturday and until Debbie got there today, Sunday afternoon, there wasn't anyone there. Kris's nanny is away for the holiday weekend.  He's not practicing swallowing and has regressed in his ability to do so. The nurses on this side of the building are much less willing to give information, it has to come directly from the doctors and only when someone is present, so Kris doesn't know what's going on.

If you can return a day earlier if possible it would really help. You could fly back when he's more stable to finish your move. I'll be there for a while tomorrow and will try to get a better grip on what's going on.   Love, Mom

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