this is Abigail 11:30 am on monday 14th i wrote this one really fast, i'll post more if i missed anything. lots of info!
I talked with one of the primary physicians. she is checking in with all the doctors to see where they are with test and decisions.
his swallowing is still weak so they need to decide if he needs the tube directly into his stomach. and if so they need to do tests to see if he can handle another wound from the incision.for the time being he gets ice chips and needs reminders to swallow and just needs to practice a few times a day to get his strength back.
primary doctor is checking with the cardiologist about whether he is going to do a cath test to look at his heart, or not. if so she is asking what various indicators are we waiting for.
she is also checking in with the kidney doctor. he had wanted to do a kidney biopsy. she is inquiring; does the kidney doc still want to do this, yes or no. why or why not, or another test, also what indicators are we looking for in that case as well.
his kidney levels went from 4.7 then after dialysis yesterday, down to 3.0 today!
he is getting just a tad over 2,000 calories a day, but in small doses over 24 hours, so he feels hungry, but is getting enough. she is going to have the nutiotion department look at him and weigh him (i think) and decide if that is going the right way.
physical therapist had him sit up in bed and has some leg movement exercises to do daily. Dad is also supposed to get into the cardiac chair daily as exercise.
check in later for more info!
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