Tuesday, February 1, 2011

They had to replace the water and feeding tube.  it is now back in. they are checking with a neurology team about his brain. they may need to do another cat scan/ct scan of his brain in the next few days. they say his mental state now could be from the all the medications and steroids, the trauma of being here, being picked and prodded and moved and immobile, or he injured his brain when he was not breathing. he seems to understand most of what i say and responds to loud clear male voices. he might just be in a medication/trauma fog.
the phlebotomist could not draw his blood this morning. another phlebotomist will come by on their rounds and try again.
he did not pass the sip test. he crunched up the ice but hardly swallowed. its either his muscles are not strong enough, his throat is still injured and dry from the oxy tube, or it the scleroderma constricting his throat. they will test this swallow ability again on Thursday.
he is breathing fine, he is now resting. hopefully he'll rehydrate now that his tube is back in.
abigail 11am tuesday feb 1st

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