Monday, March 7, 2011

Hi this is Abigail here. dr Mckinney stopped in and answered some questions.
1. the blood infection is still clear as of 2/27. so they don't think there will be further invasive tests. he has to finish his course of anti-biotic.
2. he is at 56kg! !  good news, hope the bed weight is correct. the nurse (Melissa again, who is really great) suggested that we test the bed accuracy by having it weigh the bed while he's on the cardiac chair. hope it's correct.

56 kilograms = 123.458867 pounds

3. new doctors on starting later today: Anne Finkelstin (replacing McKinney) 

attending for 2 weeks = Dr. Vigil 

after that , two weeks later= attending Dr.Su

 sorry this is in BOLD, i couldn't get this to stop being in bold!!



  1. Photo is funny!
    Did they use the same method to weigh him the last time? At least the weight gain can be calculated that way. The gain is terrific but I think he needs to be using muscles so he doesn't just gain fat. Arlene

  2. Wonderful about the continued weight gain and blood infection results! --Janet
